Saturday, September 08, 2007

etsy tripsy

my friend ang has spent the last three years taking trips to cambodia to set up various initiatives among women there. my childhood friend fleur lives there too, so a part of my heart resides in phnom penh.
the other week, ang asked me if i'd like to think about going up to cambodia in april 2008 to be part of a team, perhaps doing craft/jewellery/jewelry lol workshops to inspire other women's personal/business vision.
with that in mind, to raise the $$$, i've tentatively set up my first etsy shop. i am so NOT a business woman, i prefer to give things away, but global tripping is a tad pricey lol...
here's one or two of the sparklies in my shop:

ok, three sparklies!!!
love to hear your feedback, especially whether you think the prices are reasonable... i'm feeling like the water's a bit over my head... mwah X


Blogger Kellsey said...

Great job! I think these pieces are lovely and that the prices are very reasonable. I hope that this goes well for you and can work as a means to finance your trip to Cambodia.

6:54 AM  
Blogger Mexican Beauty said...

lovely!! so fun! i hope you're able to sell them all!

8:50 AM  
Blogger skatey katie said...

thanks so much for the love girls:
and guess what?????
i'm so excited, and i just can't hide it:
i sold my first three things yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woot woot X

1:38 PM  

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